Life isn’t a game ~ there should be no “sides”
Where is your focus? What is occupying your mind, time and soul? “Things” have never been right, perhaps, now you’re just starting to see a lot and it’s sapping your energy and time.
We need equality across the board, we desperately need a stop to corruption on all levels, and we need to remember that we can disagree, but in the end, we’re all the same.
We all need the air, the earth, water, fire and each other.
If we focus on fixing the problems instead of falling into them, perhaps we’ll all make it to the other side, as friends, as family. I hope so, I pray so.
Everybody Has A Light ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 7/6/2020
You have a light; it shines within your heart
If no one told you before, shame.
It’s what makes you, you
It’s the difference between us
And yet, it’s what binds us together
During the storms of our lives
It may flicker, but it never goes out
Some may blow upon it, because they fear your strength
Don’t let them, keep your “different” self safe at all costs
When I don’t believe in me, I look to you
I see you believing in me, and then I believe in me
I look at you, believing in you, then you believe in you again.
You’re cool, smart, special and loved
The people who know you are lucky,
the ones who don’t should, they’re missing out.
The thing is…man, it’s cool. You’re cool!
Because you have a light!
Todays Musing” Imagine yourself as the best decorated house at Christmas time” ~ Katrina Curtiss #girlwithguitar
That is so heartfelt! It made me tear up! Thank you for being that light when we can’t find it sometimes!
Someone peed on my light.