Remember This ~ One American Woman’s Perspective ~ Katrina Curtiss 1/5/2021

Remember this, a time in our lives, when we were asked to place a piece of cloth over our mouths to protect our neighbors and there was division.

Remember this, a time in our lives, when we were asked not to gather together to fight a pandemic and there was division.

Remember this, a time in our lives, when we were instructed to wash our hands, we had to be reminded and asked.

Remember this, a time in our lives when people voted more for their own self-interest than in the interest of democracy.

Remember this, a time in our lives, when people continue to fear for their freedoms based on color, sex and religion.

Remember this, a time in our lives when people took more than what they needed, so that those in need had nothing.

Remember this, a time in our lives where science ranks 2ndto conspiracy theories.

Remember this, a time in our lives when our government tripped over themselves to the point of inaction.

Remember this, a time in our lives, where people lined up for food, shelter and a life saving vaccine.

Remember this, a time in our lives where parents complained about having to “teach” their own children.

Remember this, a time in our lives, where our very own democracy is threaten and people are “exhausted” by too much information, to exhausted to care.

Remember this, a time in our lives, where live music slumbered, art took a pause, and  the sound of laughter dimmed.

Remember this, a time in our lives where history is being erased and mistakes are repeated.

Remember this, a time in our lives where our leader marches to his own drum and the rhythm of humanity is unrecognizable.

Remember this, no matter what shadows fall, there is always light if you look in the right places, the place in your heart, where love exists.

Stay safe, healthy and sane,
Much love always, #girlwithguitar and Basura Cat






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