The Adventures Of Basura Continue…
Basura cat jumped to my desk from the floor
Saying, “I don’t want to be poor anymore”
She’d snuck out and bought two lottery tickets
She said, “I’m going to win, in my bones I can feel it!”
“Two tickets!” I exclaimed, “Where did you get the cash?”
She took it when I wasn’t looking, she’s really fast
“Look up the winning numbers, oh the things I will buy”
She demanded with a dreamy look in her eye.
She went on to list all the things she wanted
An airplane, 4 boats and a house that is haunted
A Tuba, a monkey, and a mansion that is big
3 toasters, a rickshaw and a polka dot wig.
We held our breath to see if she’d won
But she didn’t have winning numbers, not even one
She sighed, “It’s okay, you know, the dreaming was cool”
As she went to cool off in her cat baby pool.
Today’s Musing: “I’m a cool cat, without any cash” ~ Quote by Basura, owner of me #girlwithguitar
That’sa mischievous cat! I love it!?