My Mama raised me better than to be friends with anyone who makes fun of the handicapped.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends with someone who commits adultery.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends with anyone who refuses to help others.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends with anyone who demeans women.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends who anyone who blames others and refuses responsibility.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends who someone who incites violence.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends with a truth changer.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends with someone abusive.
My Mama raised me better than to turn a blind eye to injustice.
My Mama raised me better than to stand in the shadows.
My Mama raised me better than to accept anything without investigation.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends with the playground bully.
My Mama raised me better than to be friends with anyone dangerous.
My Mama raised me to vote him out.
My concerns:
What is his Healthcare Plan? He’s forever saying he’ll release it, the election is coming up ~ after almost 4 years, we still don’t know what it is.
What are his plans for Social Security? Fear is that he will rob Peter, to pay Paul.
What about all of the disgusting things he has said about women? How can any woman stand behind him?
What about the constant name-calling and bully tactics ~ It’s disrespectful to his targets and our country. The world will never look at us the same again.
What about his constant lack of lead by example? How can we teach our kids manners and respect for others when he is our “leader?”
What about his lack of respect for science?
What about his Taxes ~ will we ever know the truth?
What about the division of families and friends? In my 61 years, I have never seen my country so divided, seen such ugliness and arrogance.
What about us? Who are we as a nation, as a people to allow him to lead us down a path, which should never have been taken?
14 days remain under his cloud of failed leadership, 14 more sunrises and sunsets, between him and us. Let us pray for change.
Today’s Musing: “Vote like your future depends upon it, because it does.” ~ Katrina Curtiss #girlwithguitar
Your momma raised a smart and talented woman!!