You are currently viewing Single Christmas Mom ~ by Katrina Curtiss ~ 12.11.2023
My Mom, my Santa, my constant inspiration

Single Christmas Mom ~ by Katrina Curtiss ~ 12.11.2023

She spent the same on every child
It was her way to be
She thought it was important
To treat them equally.

A dollar here, a dollar there
Measuring the coins that remained
Putting treasures in her cart
Silently whispering their names.

Happy with her treasures
She hid them in the house
Then wrapped them at night
Her only companion, a mouse

She helped Santa put out the presents
Late on Christmas Eve
Served him milk and cookies
Until it was time for him to leave.

Early Christmas morning
Her children around the tree
She handed out the presents
As they cried out gleefully.

When the bill came
Into the bill drawer, she threw
The cost of Merry Christmas
Her children never knew.

(Picture of Jeanne Marie Curtiss ~ my mom, my Santa and constant inspiration)

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