I’m thinking of you, upon a night where beetles are beating a soft rhythm upon the window screen.
I’m thinking of you, as the world spins, as lives are lost and lives begin.
I’m thinking of you, wondering if you are snuggled safely in bed, floating with the angels.
I’m thinking of you, wanting you to have your fair share of everything.
I’m thinking of you, wondering if you are feeling the same way that I do.
I’m thinking of you, wanting to tell you, that I’m here, sharing the night.
I’m thinking of you, hoping that you feel grounded, tethered to the earth.
I’m thinking of you, wondering what you would think if you knew that I was a little scared of what’s happening, of what tomorrow will or won’t bring.
I’m thinking of you, wondering if you needed something, would you ask, If I asked, would you hear?
I’m thinking of you, maybe thinking of me, that would be nice.
I’m thinking of you, of you ~ upon this night.
Today’s Musing: “If thoughts of you were money, I’d be rich” ~ Katrina Curtiss #girlwithguitar
What a tender poem. It perfectly captures the loneliness we all must feel during this time of necessary ‘social distancing’.
I’m thinking of you.