Someone, Somewhere ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/5/2020

Someone, Somewhere is dying at home because they cannot afford health coverage.

Someone, Somewhere is trapped in an abusive relationship, because they are trapped in fear.

Someone, Somewhere is sleeping in the streets because they cannot afford anything.

Someone, Somewhere is not allowed to sit at the table because of the lack of opportunity for a good education.

Someone, Somewhere went to bed hungry and will wake up the same, it’s just another day.

Someone, Somewhere watches helplessly as addiction takes yet, another life.

Someone, Somewhere is treated differently because of his or her religion.

Someone, Somewhere is treated differently because of the color of his or her skin.

Someone, Somewhere is treated differently because of his or her sexual orientation.
Someone, Somewhere is treated differently because of his or her size.

Someone, Somewhere is treated differently because of his or her age.

Someone, Somewhere is treated differently because of his or her perceived disability.

Someone, Somewhere is living in a refuge camp, praying for the safety of their family

Someone, Somewhere is sleepless with guilt over the pain in the world

Someone, Somewhere was born in a body that doesn’t work, asking why?

Someone, Somewhere will spend yet another day, wheelchair bound, without hope.

Someone, Somewhere will spend yet another day, with no one to call a friend.

Someone, Somewhere struggles with crippling anxiety over his or her past, present and future.

Someone, Somewhere lost a child, new to this earth, taken too soon.

Someone, Somewhere is grieving his or her parents as twilight falls.

Someone, Somewhere feels that the world needs to turn all it’s attention to one Someone, Somewhere.

Today’s Musing: “There is always Someone, Somewhere fighting what they consider to be the battle of their lives. There are more fires burning than eyes to watch, hearts to care.” #girlwithguitar




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