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My Cat and Me and The Birds ~ A Short Poem by Katrina Curtiss 5/30/2020

The Adventures Of Basura continue ~ she is currently on my lap, the sound of her purring is similar to the night waves upon the shore. Stay safe ~ find your thing and do it. #girlwithguitar #CreateArtForEarth #CatsRCool

My Cat and Me and The Birds ~ A Short Poem by Katrina Curtiss 5/30/2020

Why do the birds sing in the trees?
Are they singing just for me?
They seem to sing without a care
They seem to sing most anywhere.

More freedom than people
Who whisper in their hearts
Quietly afraid to be brave and take part
Of the world of music, the symphony of sound
Who only sing when no ones around

The bird sings, as the fish does swim
And when they finish, they start over again
No worries do they take to their bed
They live in their hearts, and not in their heads

So as you take you wherever you go
This is something, We want you to know
Be fearless, be brave, and sing a love song
Don’t be surprised, when we all sing along.

Today’s Musing: “The singing birds, make me happy” ~ quote by Basura, owner of me #girlwithguitar

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