You, Me And The Wind ~ by Katrina Curtiss  6/18/2020

It’s like we were walking our usual life’s walk, you walking yours at your pace, me at mine. Then suddenly a huge gust of wind caught all of us from behind and blew us towards the cliffs edge, the only way to not go over, was to grab the hands of those next to you.

But we didn’t.

So off we flew into the air, hoping against hope to make it to the other side. As we looked down and saw the jagged rocks below, some thought, “I can make it on my own,” resisting to simply just joining hands, so we could all make it.

But we didn’t.

As we flew, some were wise enough to lighten their load, letting their belongings of racism, prejudice and anger go, letting them fall into the abyss below. Our group lifted lighter into the air, hopes rose that we would all make it to the other side. But those who help belongings of violence and hatred continued to weigh us down, despite shouts of “Let it go!” from the crowd, they refused. We hoped that we could work together towards one goal, of survival.

But we didn’t.

Our load is heavy; it’s hard to fly with so many things weighing us down. I can’t undo what happened in the past, none of us can, even destroying the evidence won’t make it disappear.

It saddens me that so many are so angry, that power corrupts, that lives are being lost on both sides of the mountain. But this I do know, there is no treasure to be found when holes are being dug in every direction.

The Wind: COVID-19, Police Reform, Racism, The Economy, Healthcare, Corruption in Politics, Unemployment, the list goes on and on.

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