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My Canoe To The Other Side 12:19:2020

In The Blink Of An Eye ~ Katrina Curtiss 12/19/2020

If we could get in a canoe and travel one hour to the other side to see those no longer seen, it would be the greatest gift of this holiday season.

In The Blink Of An Eye ~ Katrina Curtiss 12/19/2020

They say that life can change in the “blink of an eye.”
That seems nearly impossibly true.
The blink can bring things both good and bad,
Laughter or tears, it’s all up to you.

They say that life is filled with twists and turns,
That seems like a tiringly trek.
The ride can bring out the best or worst,
A “Yahoo” or a “What the heck!”

They say that life is for the young,
That seems to be quite unfair.
The young have not the wisdom of,
The wrinkled or silver haired.

They say that you cannot change the past,
This locks us into a thought.
The gift of time and forgiveness,
Are more priceless that then things we’ve bought.

In the blink of an eye, from light to dark,
Or maybe dark into light.
Cherish what you have today,
Before it fades into the night.

The silence between moments matter…

Stay safe and healthy,
Much love always, #girlwithguitar and Basura Cat

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