You are currently viewing Basura Cat and I Were Having A Conversation…Katrina Curtiss 1/7/2021
Basura finds comfort in the Sun 1 8 2021

Basura Cat and I Were Having A Conversation…Katrina Curtiss 1/7/2021

The Drunkards will drink
The Thoughtful will think
The Pious will pray
For Blessings this day

The homeless will roam
The “At Risk” will stay home
The writers will write, fighters will fight
Foes in the dark, friends in daylight

Friends with nothing to say
Each going their way
Some hide heads in the sand
Others will beat the drums band

We’re all on the same bus
Made of the same stardust
So sit next to me, I’ll save you room
Life’s song is all the same tune

We may be singing different words, but the song is the same.
Wanting peace, equality and liberty for all.

Take gentle care of you,
Stay safe, healthy and sane

Much Love Always, #girlwithguitar and Basura Cat

*Picture ~ Basura finds comfort in the Sun, be like Basura

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