You are currently viewing My Cat And Sofia Snuggle On A Saturday ~ Katrina Curtiss 2/13/2021
Basura and Sofia Saturday Afternoon ~ 2:13:2021

My Cat And Sofia Snuggle On A Saturday ~ Katrina Curtiss 2/13/2021

It’s the coldest day ever in my little town,
The house is so quiet without any sound.
I was teaching lessons to students on zoom,
When I was finished, I was alone in the room.

I ambled to the kitchen to make myself tea,
Then I felt lonely and look for some company.
Where was Sofia, where was my Basura Cat?
I wondered, where oh where, where are they at?

Not on the couch watching TV.
Not out in the yard, planting a tree.
Not playing ping pong, not painting a chair,
Not putting on make-up or doing their hair.

I found them both cuddled up warm in their bed,
While visions of summer danced in their head.
It made my heart happy to see they together,
It’s one way to stay warm in this chilly weather.

Today’s Musing: “I want some Bernie Sanders mittens to keep my paws warm” ~ quote by Basura Cat ~ owner of me. #girlwithguitar

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