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Ice Storm 2 3 2022 San Antonio

Thursday ~ Katrina Curtiss 2.3.2022

It seems fitting that cold has wrapped itself around us upon this day.
As we are brought into survival mode, food, warmth, friends, family are top of mind.

Phone calls and texts checking on those we love, trying to stay connected.
It means a lot as days like this magnify any sense of isolation.

We read of empty store shelves and shake our heads at mans plight to have more
than enough for himself, thoughtless of others.

In the midst of this, life goes on. Babies born filling the passing of others.

I lost my friend Ken, he passed on Tuesday, February 1stjust after noon.

As I told a friend of this, she offered that her brother had died the same day.

As separate as we may feel, we are together.
As strong as we may present, we are still fragile.
As loud as our heart beats, it’s the music of our soul.
As the day draws to darkness, we bow our heads
Giving thanks for those we have love and lost.

Words fail me, as for the past 5 months Ken’s struggle has been my priority, I find myself aimless and wandering and know that I am walking with many. I am glad he is at peace, but for me a precious puzzle piece of life has gone missing.

I shall write about my friend again, perhaps when the dust of the heart settles.

Take care my friends, risk to love.
Much Love Always,
Katrina Jeanne and Basura Cat

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