After a day of exhausting heat, trying to sit down to watch TV, Sofia and I got into another never ending conversation of what’s happening. 2 and a half hours later, she went to bed, exhausted, me, remaining unsettled, sits down with Basura Cat and writes…
The Never Ending Conversation ~ by Katrina Curtiss 7/10/2020
We sat down to watch a TV show
But our conversation began to grow
The “Whys? “Flew across the room
Can’t school be taught via Zoom?
Then the “Who’s?” came into play
The parent’s who at home can’t stay
“Who’s?” ran rampant though the air
Soon the “Who’s?” were everywhere!
Next the “Why’s?” knocked upon the door
Just when we couldn’t take anymore
Why this? Why That? Why Not? Why They?
Those dratted “Why’s?” had come to stay!
“When” sat down upon a seat next to me
And begged to have a cup of tea
“When” said, “I’m soon, just so you know”
Just when is “When,” he didn’t know.
“What” said, “you’ve said my name a lot
When you ask, it stirs the pot
“What” is not your business now
“What” is right, I’ll show you how”
“Who,” I thought and said aloud
Is plotting the course for this crowd?
“Who” said, You know, the one in charge
His hair is yellow, his belly large.
Exhausted, I said good night
Tomorrow, again I’ll fight the fight
Not one more life, it’s got to stop!
The fish dies from the head, from the top.
Today’s Musing: “I wish that Politicians would be honest, their tap dancing is giving me a headache. ~ Katrina Curtiss #girlwithguitar