I remember as a child, my neighbor taking me somewhere, it was a different neighborhood, poor and desperate.
It’s a vague memory, but imprinted forever.
Into a building women went, outside I stayed and played.
My neighbor was a hairdresser; I supposed she was doing hair, I supposed wrong.
She came out hours later, defeated and sad
I asked what was wrong, what took so long. Perhaps she shouldn’t have, but she told
me the truth.
An abortion had been performed, illegally.
My friend risked her safety, the woman risked her life
As a child, I asked, “But how?”
“Wire Hanger” was all she replied
We drove home in silence.
That’s when I learned about “Backroom Abortions.”
In 1973, in the Landmark case “Roe vs. Wade” The Supreme Court ruled that abortions were now legal.
In late August of this year (just days ago) Texas joined 5 other states that prohibit abortions after 6 weeks,
a brief time, a short span of combined minutes, before many woman would even know if they are pregnant.
Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law 9.1.2021 a measure no only bans abortions, but opens the door for almost
any private citizen to sue abortion providers and others.
It includes cases where the woman was impregnated as a result of rape or incest.
Read that again…
It includes cases where the woman was impregnated as a result of rape or incest.
Read that again…
It includes cases where the woman was impregnated as a result of rape or incest.
I am not Pro-Abortion ~ I AM PRO-CHOICE
I plan on leaving Texas within the next year.