My Cat Is Learning Morse Code ~ Katrina Curtiss 1/15/2021

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45 Tries To Reach His Followers ~ 1 15:2021

Basura cat was going tippy tap, What a strange noise, being made by my cat. She is busy learning Morse code today, To hear what the outgoing president has to say. He’s no longer welcome on social media sites, No longer is he writing in the middle of the night.…

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My Cat And Our Founding Fathers ~ Katrina Curtiss 1/13/2021

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Basura And Our Founding Fathers 1 13 2021

Basura cat came to me, her tail circled in a Q, Meowing, “I have something important to ask you.” I put my guitar down, I slowly turned around, And in her eyes, it was tears that I found. She wanted to know what was going on, What was happening in…

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My Cat And The Snow ~ Katrina Curtiss 1/10/2021

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Basura Cat And Her First Snowfall 1:10:2021

Basura Cat meowed, “My oh my!” “What is that white stuff falling from the sky?” “Does God have Dandruff, did he scratch his head?” As she snuggled under the covers upon her cat bed. It’s snow, a thing she has not seen before It landed on the ground, tried to…

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My Cat And The New Year ~ Katrina Curtiss 1/2/2021

Read more about the article My Cat And The New Year ~ Katrina Curtiss 1/2/2021
2021 ~ A Year Of Hope 1:2:2021

Welcome to the New Year, Day Number Two, Basura Cat says there’s so much to do. We can clean out the gutters, clean out the drawers, We can rearrange closets and do so very much more. If we stay busy and take get rid of old things, We’ll have space…

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My Cat Wants To Look For The Conjunction Of Saturn And Jupiter ~ Katrina Curtiss 12/22/2020

Read more about the article My Cat Wants To Look For The Conjunction Of Saturn And Jupiter ~ Katrina Curtiss 12/22/2020
The Saturn and Jupiter Conjuction Adventure 12 22 2020

We didn’t sleep much last night, Basura Cat and me, She demanded that the Conjunction, we did see. It was around 2am, when we took to the streets, Basura in my arms, me with warm slippers upon my feet. We wandered up and down the streets, in our neighborhood, We…

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My Cat Wants The Covid Vaccine ~ by Katrina Curtiss 12/17/2020

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Basura Wants The Covid Vaccine 12 17 2020

Basura Cat thinks that it’s kind of mean, That cats are not getting the Covid Vaccine. She wants to get back to life like it was before, When we had lots of friends walk through the door. I tried to explain that she was never at risk, But she just…

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My Cat And The 2nd Amendment ~ Katrina Curtiss 11/1/2020

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Basura And The 2nd Amendment 12 5 2020

My cat follows 45 on Twitter and everytime he cries about the 2nd Amendment, she believes him because as she says, "He's the President, he would never lie about such important things!" I have now suspended her twitter account, because I refuse to allow her to be whipped into a…

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Basura, The Tripping Cat ~ by Katrina Curtiss 12/1/2020

Read more about the article Basura, The Tripping Cat ~ by Katrina Curtiss 12/1/2020
Basura ~ The Tripping Cat 12:1:2020

I was writing and then walking, soon talking a fall, Basura Cat was running chasing a ball. I took a step; she got under my feet, And soon the ground and me, we did meet. Sofia laughed, and then I got mad, Then she felt sad, and Basura stayed bad.…

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My Cat Wants To Win ~ by Katrina Curtiss 11/30/2020

Read more about the article My Cat Wants To Win ~ by Katrina Curtiss 11/30/2020
Basura The Campaign Manager 11:30:2020

I tossed my song, “Blue” into an Internet Songwriting Contest. I was surprised when they accepted my song. I was excited to hear it on the airwaves, but due to time zone differences, I miss it ~ Curses! Now it sits in the ranking, and only moves when someone votes…

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My Cat And Thanksgiving ~ Katrina Curtiss 11/25/2020

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Basura And Her Thanksgiving Thoughts 11:25:2020

Basura and me were having a chat, She jumped on my lap, such a friendly cat. She said, that the numbers of cases are getting high, “I thought we had told COVID~19, goodbye.” “Yes,” I sighed as we began to play, But the numbers seem to be getting higher every…

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