My Conversation With Sofia ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/30/2020 8:15pm

Sofia is my best friend, my flatmate, my family. She is from Portugal, a place where due to COVID-19 she cannot go. She usually travels home this time of year to visit her family and friends, now she cannot. I find her observations of my country insightful and at times,…

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It’s Hard ~”What My Grandma Would Say” ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/26/2020 

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My Mom And Grandmother 6/26/2020

It’s Hard ~”What My Grandma Would Say” ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/26/2020 It’s hard not to talk about things that matter It’s hard not to watch TV, eat and get fatter It’s hard not to engage and voice your rage As we wait for the world to…

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Happy Birth Day To My Sister Grace ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/22/2020

Read more about the article Happy Birth Day To My Sister Grace ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/22/2020
Happy Birth Day To My Sister Grace

When you were born, they named you, Grace Which means beauty, which shows in your face You became my best friend over time A mentor, protector, supporter of mine When a stray dog bit me, you beat him back It wasn’t the only time you save me from attack You…

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The Adventures Of Sofia ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/8/2020

Read more about the article The Adventures Of Sofia ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/8/2020
Sofia Making A Floating Patio 6/8/2020

In honor of it being her Birth Day Week ~ Sofia is the female version of Bob The Builder, so I wrote a poem about it, goes like this: Betty The Builder ~ a short poem by me. She’s relentless, she never stops Making things in her little “She Shop”…

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My Cat Comforts Me ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/3/2020

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Basura Comforts Me 6/3/2020

Basura cat came to me most curiously As she placed her paw upon my knee Together we watched the news from our home Being together, than being alone We watched the protest around our land People marching together, hand in hand She said, “Can we go, can we take part?”…

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My New Friend Sabrina ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/1/2020

Read more about the article My New Friend Sabrina ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/1/2020
My New Walking Friend ~ Sabrina

I’m exhausted after watching the protest, weary of the conflict, confused by the acts of violence. I watch what’s happening and search the skies for understanding. It’s as if we were just emerging from one storm, only to find ourselves in yet, another. It would be nice to have blue skies…

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Happy Mother’s Day ~ “The Fork In The Road” ~ by Katrina Curtiss 5/10/2020

Read more about the article Happy Mother’s Day ~ “The Fork In The Road” ~ by Katrina Curtiss 5/10/2020
My Mom, Jeanne Marie Curtiss

When Motherhood, knocked upon my door, I never answered. Yes, it tapped louder and louder as I approached 40, but I turned a deaf ear. It’s not just a choice, it’s a lifelong commitment of caring and compassion, the least paying and highest paying job in life, and I just never…

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My Cat Reads My Mail ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 4/30/2020

Read more about the article My Cat Reads My Mail ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 4/30/2020
Basura Reads My Mail

This morning, I pulled my cat by the tail and asked, “Basura, have you been reading my mail?” She was sitting in letters, all in a mess Each of them with my name and address “No”, she replied, as she obviously lied “I thought they were for me!” she cried…

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My Cat And Me And Memories Of Mom ~ a short Birth Day poem by Katrina Curtiss 4/15/2020

Read more about the article My Cat And Me And Memories Of Mom ~ a short Birth Day poem by Katrina Curtiss 4/15/2020
Basura And Birthday Mom

In the middle of night, I heard a strange sound So, I got up to take a good look around And what to my wondering eyes did I find? My cat, looking at an old family photo album of mine As we turned the pages, my life did unfold Pictures…

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