Basura Cat refuses to “Spring Ahead,”
She doesn’t want to lose an hour in bed.
“You mean 8 will be 9 and 9 will be 10?”
“Oh My God, you humans are doing this over again?”
I said it has sometime to with the crops,
She shakes her paw and begs me to stop.
Then I tell her it has to do with the moon,
She says, “Oy, I hope this story is over soon.”
“But where does it go, this hour we lose?”
“Do we save it somewhere to use when we choose?”
“How can it just disappear in a snap?”
“Will it be the hour that I take my nap?”
“I’m going to sleep late! Just so you know!”
“I demand to know where that lost hour does go!”
And off in a snickity snit she did stock,
As I try to remember how to set our digital clocks.
Today’s Musing: “At least the digital clocks are right for 6 months out of the year.” ~ quote by Basura, owner of me. #girlwithguitar