The Moon, The Earth And Me ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/5/2020

She called to me last night and again at 4am this morning, both times, I stood in silent awe. Out of respect I wrote this, tonight, she will be full. Funny how I think of her as a "She" when everyone says, "Man in the Moon." ~ I wonder if…

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My Cat Protests for Pâté ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/4/2020

Basura Cat doesn’t like shredded, she likes Pâté This morning she had this to say “You fed me flakes; I like the shape of cakes You already know this for goodness sakes!” “Basura,” I said, “some cats don’t have food You’ve got no right to this crazy cat mood.” She…

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A White Woman’s Protest ~ Katrina Curtiss 6/3/2020

I do identify with the feelings of injustice, of not being on the same playing field as others. I worked for years alongside men who made almost double my salary for doing the same job. As a young woman, I dealt with sexual harassment, asked to do things, which would…

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My Cat Comforts Me ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/3/2020

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Basura Comforts Me 6/3/2020

Basura cat came to me most curiously As she placed her paw upon my knee Together we watched the news from our home Being together, than being alone We watched the protest around our land People marching together, hand in hand She said, “Can we go, can we take part?”…

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Listen For The Calm In The Storm ~ Katrina Curtiss 6/1/2020

Inspired by a conversation with a 17 year old student who said to me today, "It feels like the world is coming to an end." It broke my heart that he is afraid of what's happening. I told him that he will tell stories of this time of his life,…

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The Burning House ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/1/2020

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The Burning House by me

One house on the street caught fire, the family ran from the home, grabbing what possessions they may. As they waited for help to come, the father grabbed a hose and frantically tried to save what was his. His neighbors came outside, watching in horror, thinking not of his family,…

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My New Friend Sabrina ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/1/2020

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My New Walking Friend ~ Sabrina

I’m exhausted after watching the protest, weary of the conflict, confused by the acts of violence. I watch what’s happening and search the skies for understanding. It’s as if we were just emerging from one storm, only to find ourselves in yet, another. It would be nice to have blue skies…

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My Mom’s Imaginary Visit To Donald Trump ~ by Katrina Curtiss 6/1/2020

The things that won't let me sleep, I found myself writing a speech for Donald Trump at 4am this morning, the things I wish he would say, the actions I wish he would take. Then I wished my mom was alive, because I think maybe, just maybe he would listen…

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The Powder Keg ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 5/30/2020

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Uncle Sam Powder Key kc 5/30/2020

People are protesting, demanding justice for the death of George Floyd, it feels as his murder was the match that lit the fuse. The Powder Keg ~ by Katrina Curtiss 5/30/2020 There was a keg made out of wood Made to hold only the world’s good But somehow, somewhere deep…

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I Wish I Were An Elephant ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 5/29/2020

Read more about the article I Wish I Were An Elephant ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 5/29/2020
The Peace Elephant kc 5/29/2020

I love to write, I'm learning to draw ~ trying not to pay too much attention to the chaos ~ so I wrote a little something and drew a little thing: #girlwithguitar #girllearningtodraw #createartforearth #staysafe #peace I wish I were An Elephant ~ by Katrina Curtiss 5/29/2020 I don’t know…

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