Remember This ~ One American Woman’s Perspective ~ Katrina Curtiss 1/5/2021

Remember this, a time in our lives, when we were asked to place a piece of cloth over our mouths to protect our neighbors and there was division. Remember this, a time in our lives, when we were asked not to gather together to fight a pandemic and there was…

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I Remember ~ by Katrina Curtiss 8/28/2020 4:20am

This morning, Basura Cat woke me up at 4am. She wanted more than food, she wanted held, sometimes she just needs me. I adore these moments, I hold her close to my chest and sing to her, dance her around the darken living room, just us two. Being the cat…

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My Dentist Experience ~ by Katrina Curtiss 8/4/2020

Read more about the article My Dentist Experience ~ by Katrina Curtiss 8/4/2020
Dentist Covid 19 Extra Charge $10.00 8/4/2020

If you follow me, you might already know that I’m not a spring chicken and deal with an autoimmune disorder, Curses! So, back in March of 2020, I kind of shut down shop. Which looks like spending a lot of time writing, learning, reflecting, and watching the world slowly spin.…

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Some People Say ~ by Katrina Curtiss 7/14/2020

Some people say, “America, love it or leave it” I say, “American love it and try to change it.” Some people say, “Wait until November 4thand the virus will disappear” I say, “It’s a global pandemic you moron” Some people say, “If you say “All Lives Matter” you’re racist because…

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Kat-Servations On A Monday ~ by Katrina Curtiss ~ Random Thoughts ~ Too Much Time Alone.

Read more about the article Kat-Servations On A Monday ~ by Katrina Curtiss ~ Random Thoughts ~ Too Much Time Alone.
My COVID-19 World View 6/29/2020

It's been much longer than I anticipated, this "Covid-19 ~ Stay at Home" time of life. If you're like me, your routine is upside down and inside out, I find myself walking in circles, with nowhere to go. The one place that feels familiar is the place where I write,…

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My Cat And Her Disinfecting Wipes ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/16/2020

Read more about the article My Cat And Her Disinfecting Wipes ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 6/16/2020
Basura Covets Her Disinfecting Wipes

Basura cat swiped the Disinfecting Wipes She held them in her paws so tight When I asked for one, she didn’t care She waved me away, with her paw up in the air My cat has never been this way Until COVID-19 came to stay Now she licks her paws…

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To Gig Or Not To Gig? That Is The Question ~ Katrina Curtiss 6/14/2020

Read more about the article To Gig Or Not To Gig? That Is The Question ~ Katrina Curtiss 6/14/2020
StreetFareSA Live Gig

To Gig or Not to Gig ~ Feeling Untethered In A World Of Uncertainty I played a gig last night, the first one since COVID-19 came to town. I hesitated taking it, but the venue is an open air space, outside, lots of fresh, circulating air. Minding that I’m a…

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Kat In The Hat Musings ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 5/26/2020

Read more about the article Kat In The Hat Musings ~ a short poem by Katrina Curtiss 5/26/2020
Kat In The Hat by kat

Nothing has changed as far as I can see There’s still no vaccine or remedy Yet, people are going out everywhere It’s like they’ve given up and just don’t care What’s different today than 2 weeks ago? Can you tell me please, I’d like to know It’s like someone outside…

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Life is Like A Jack In The Box  (The Toy, Not The Restaurant) by Katrina Curtiss 5/20/2020

Read more about the article Life is Like A Jack In The Box  (The Toy, Not The Restaurant) by Katrina Curtiss 5/20/2020
Jack In The Box ~ drawn by me

I feel like I'm waiting for the next big surprise. In my lifetime, I never thought I’d see another war, pandemic, attacks on American soil, violent acts of racism, Sadly, I was and continue to be wrong. I thought it was fear as I watched the world slowly close its…

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Only Through Your Eyes by Katrina Curtiss 5/15/2020

Read more about the article Only Through Your Eyes by Katrina Curtiss 5/15/2020
Only Through Your Eyes

A lot of what’s happening in the world doesn’t directly affect me, I’m a musician, private music teacher so that’s my small world. I haven’t played a gig in over two months, haven’t hosted an Open mic, taught a lesson face to face, haven’t done much, outside of write within…

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